Do Vision Boards Work? [Writing Yoga® Mindfulness Prompt # 1001]
Jan 13, 2020It used to be a big joke in my house. Mom’s got a vision board. Let them roll their eyes at me and my ‘little arts and crafts project.’ I don’t care. They work.
In 2015, I dreamed up beauty, wishes for my family, success and travel on a cheery pink piece of construction paper. I dreamed of love, determination, and kindness. It reminded me to live in the now and to practice all my practices daily (yoga, meditation, writing) wherever I go. Five years later, my vision is not exactly what I thought it would be, but life is definitely moving forward!
Why does it work? You see your goals happening as if they have already happened and a vision board helps to activate your imagination. Your brain can be fooled into thinking that what is sees is reality. It's a positive step toward the life of your dreams.
Week 2 Writing Yoga® Prompt:
Lumi Sit: Take 5 minutes to honor your inner dreamer. Close your eyes. See, touch, hear, smell and taste the life you will create. See it as if it is already happening. Notice how it feels.
Lumi Write: Let your subconscious be your inner writer. Take 5 minutes to write down the narrative of your 2020 vision.
Lumi Move: The following sequence will bring energy and breath into your body and is a great way to start each day.
1) Stand tall with your arms at your side and your feet firmly planted into the ground. 2) Inhale and bring your arms up overhead at the same time. 3) Exhale and circle your arms back down by your side. (do 3 x) 4) Bend your knees as if sitting in a chair. 5) Raise your arms overhead. Hold for 3 breaths. Stand with your arms up. Go back and repeat all the steps (1-5) for 5 minutes.
See how easy that was? After spending 15 minutes to Sit, Write & Move, you’ve got five minutes to yourself. So have a seat, go back and write some more, or take a walk. Remember, YOU are amazing.
Writing Yoga® and Sit, Write, Move (SWiM) are proprietary techniques that may be shared for educational purposes only with permission. Contact us for info.