Creativity is our Nature. Quote from

12 Words to Boost Creativity and Why Creativity Matters

#creativity #teachers insprirational quotes journal writing ideas library workshops nature professional development writing writing prompts Jan 12, 2023

Does the word "creativity" make you think of paint, clay, and kids playing dress up?  We all start out creative, but school and adult life might make us think that creativity is something to be left to artists and geeks. Then we get to the workplace and are expected to be innovative and productive. Hmm, don't we need to be creative for that? 

Life is creative. All of it. We are born from its impulse. We grow up, thrive, and participate in the human experience because creativity is our nature. 

If you have lost your creative spark, here are 12 words to think about: 

  1. Imagine
  2. Plant
  3. Air
  4. Mix
  5. Illuminate 
  6. Collect 
  7. Shift 
  8. Stretch 
  9. Reflect 
  10. Propel 
  11. Focus 
  12. Release 

Start with your imagination. Collect your ideas and then shape them, mix, illuminate, reflect and focus on what you want to bring into the world. When you are ready, release your creation! 

Print out this post, cut out the words, and use as "creativity cards" to jumpstart your writing. Begin a sentence with each word such as, "Today I will plant_________."  or "What can I shift to improve my project?    

What will you create in 2023? 

Teachers, join the next group of educators to get Writing Yoga® certified!