What Makes You Feel Amazing? [Writing Yoga® Mindfulness Prompt #1000]
Jan 01, 2021The baby boomers paved the way for us to think differently about getting old. They just aren't having it! Studies show that it's possible to feel and look years younger than you are by developing healthy habits including practicing yoga, journal writing and meditating. Writing Yoga® combines all three to help balance your mind, body and spirit. And that balance is what makes you feel AMAZING!
Let's take a page from the boomer's book not because we actually want to be younger, but because we want to experience a life filled with child-like wonder and possibility.
Writing Yoga® Mindfulness Prompt:
Lumi Sit: Take a deep breath. Ask yourself this question: What makes you amazing? Set a timer for five minutes. Close your eyes. Breathe. With each breath, imagine how amazing you are in your mind's eye. Notice how it feels in your body to be amazing. If there is an obnoxious voice telling you you are not amazing, defend yourself as you would your own child or student. Or you can simply repeat this mantra, “I am amazing.”
Lumi Write: When the timer ends, pick up your journal. Set the timer for another five minutes. Write all thoughts and feelings that you noticed during the Lumi Sit. Don’t judge and don’t censor yourself.
Lumi Move: Drop the Journal. Stand up. Set the timer again for 5 minutes. Breathe deeply for 3 rounds of breath. Your body is now ready to move so get out there and walk. Yep, nothing fancy. This is a friendly reminder that just taking a walk for five minutes can feel like freedom in the middle of a busy day.
See how easy that was? You’ve got five minutes to yourself. So have a seat, go back and write some more, or take another walk. Remember, YOU are amazing.
Writing Yoga® and the Sit, Write, Move (SWiM) are proprietary techniques that may be shared for educational purposes only with permission. Contact us for info.