Beach, yoga, writing, mindfulness, journey

What's the Difference Between a Beach and a Library? [Writing Yoga ® Prompt #2000]

#beach #enjoythejourney #luminous #mindfulness #writing #yoga May 02, 2022

Give me a beach. Find me a corner in the reading room. I know, I know, not everyone likes a beach. Some people can't stand the stillness of a library.  That's okay, we all have destinations we love and ones we avoid but if you ever spent time watching sea birds wade, you know how much there is to learn. 

Beaches and libraries can both be introspective places filled with endless possibilities but they can also be the very place where storms and ideologies conflict.

So for this prompt, let's imagine powdery sand and turquoise sea and sky.  After all, you came here to relax. 

Lumi Sit:

Breathe deeply. Close your eyes.  Think of a quiet place that makes you feel happy and secure.  Sit for 5 minutes noticing all the thoughts and feelings (even the ones that make you uncomfortable). Open your eyes. Move to the "Lumi Write" without pause. 

Lumi Write: 

What did you feel and see in the "Lumi Sit"?  Take 5 minutes to write everything you saw and felt.  Don't judge your feelings. Just write. If  you start to feel discomfort in your body or mind, think of waves at a beach washing the edges away. 

Lumi Move: 

Do the flamingo!  Imagine you are a flamingo walking through waves at a beach. Does the sand, heat or breeze bother you? I'm pretty sure that seabirds don't care as much as we do about such fluctuations.  Put on some music and move like a flamingo.  Yes, it may feel ridiculous, but so what? Enjoy the journey.....

Sit, write and Move each day to cultivate a Calm, Creative & Compassionate Life.  Stay Luminous! #WritingYogaEd