Can Creativity Bring You Happiness? Yes! Here's How [WRITING YOGA® PROMPT #2015]
Jun 21, 2023Think of something you love to do. Do you consider it "creative"? Cooking is creative. Travel is creative. Planning a party is creative. Pretty much everything you do in life requires you to problem solve and yes, that is creative! If you have a headache thinking about problems to solve, it's not as bad as you think.
When we are engaged in something we love, we can find joy in the struggle. Simply thinking about building a sandcastle, doodling in a notebook, or cooking while adding a dash of this and that, can bring a smile to your face.
Many people have told me, "I am just not creative." And I might remind them of an interesting meal they cooked or how fabulously they accessorized an outfit. Ordinary actions can be creative too. Take time this week to notice.
WRITING YOGA® PROMPT #2015: Creativity as a Path to Happiness
When you are in a creative zone, you can experience a multitude of emotions. Writing in a journal can help you recognize when you feel amazing and when you don't. You can discover what brings you joy or when you are doing an activity because it's someone else's idea of how you should be spending your time. The more you can carve out time for yourself to be creative, the more joy will find it's way into your work and life. Try these activities together or separately throughout the week to bring creativity and happiness into your world.
SIT: Creativity and Your Luminous Mind
This week's Sit is a visualization exercise to help you relax into a creative zone. Find a comfortable place to sit. Plan on carving out 5-10 minutes where you will not be interrupted. Close your eyes. Breathe slowly, calmly and deeply. After several breaths bring a picture to your mind of something creative and fun. It doesn't matter what it is. Don't judge or make comments to yourself. Sit with the sensations and images of this activity.
As you complete this visualization, gently bring your awareness back to the present moment. Notice how your body feels, whether there's a sense of calm or perhaps a newfound excitement. When you're ready, open your eyes and take a few moments to write about the experience in your journal. Reflect on the images that came to mind and how they made you feel. Were there any surprises or moments of clarity? This simple exercise is not just about relaxation; it’s a way to tap into your creative potential and set the stage for deeper exploration of your ideas and passions.
WRITE: What Brings You Joy?
Writing about the people and things we love to do not only feels good, but it is a creative act in itself! In my workshops, people have often been surprised by how words flow so easily after they have had time to sit quietly. In your journal list all the activities that bring you happiness. Don't read along the way! When you are done, circle the activity that makes you feel the most joyful. Spend 5-10 minutes writing all the reasons why.
MOVE: Creative Planks
Plank poses remind us that something very challenging can also be creative and fun! You can modify this by dropping the bottom knee to the floor and/or coming down to your forearm. If you are not feeling well or have other mobility restrictions, just lean into a wall and hold it! Switch sides.
Find some playfulness in this pose by 1) raising up one leg 2) alternating sides a few times 3) dipping your hips down to the floor. Let your creativity flow!
As you move through your week, try these exercises at different times of day and in different places. Where do you feel the most creative? Take notice and drop me a note if it brings about any exciting insights!
Thank you for sharing your creativity with me.
Are you a parent, teacher or librarian who wants to test out Writing Yoga®? I’d like to invite you to my next free Monthly Workshop.
Remember to sit, write & move each day for a calm, creative & more compassionate life. If you want to immerse yourself in all the benefits of Writing Yoga® Method, please check out my course right here. This interactive course will help you jumpstart healthy and creative practices to: 1) Reduce stress 2) Write and 3) feel luminous.
For more activities and resources, please go to
Thank you for making the world a calmer, more creative and compassionate place!
Copyright © 2024 Stefanie Maura, All rights reserved.