15 Minutes to Feel Younger and Have More Energy

15 Minutes to Feel Younger and Have More Energy [Writing Yoga® SWiM Prompt #2024]

Dec 16, 2024

One of my yoga teachers used to tell her classes how achy her joints were in the morning and how hard it was for her to get out of bed. There was a lesson in this. After a short time on the mat, she was back to feeling like her 20 year old self again. I first heard her say this 30 years ago, when she was near the age I am now! 

Oh yes, I completely understand the feeling of creaky bones in the morning! I also know that if I greet the day by moving in a gentle way on my mat, the creaking dissolves like vapor into air. 

Do you feel creaky in the morning too? Even kids make cracking sounds if they spend too much time sitting on their screens. Everyone could use a bit of movement to feel youthful, even if they are on the other side of the aging slope. 

So how do you start your day? How does writing and sitting contribute to these feelings of youthfulness? I'm sharing a sequence below, that when done in any order, will have you feeling energetic and playfully young. It will remind you to stay flexible and light. Please give it a try: 

Sit: Five Minutes to Feel More Youthful from the Writing Yoga® Method

On a day when you feel especially scattered, set a timer for 5 minutes. Make sure the alarm sound is set to be calming music, nature tones or a chime. You can do this on most phones. 

Have a seat on your mat and close your eyes. Imagine you are floating and feeling fluid and buoyant in body of water. It could be the ocean or your bathtub (especially if the ocean scares you). Just picture yourself relaxing and gently floating in a temperature of water that is perfect for you. Notice the sounds and scents of your favorite fragrance, perhaps jasmine or rose and breathe.  Think about those sensations and sounds for five minutes. When you hear the timer’s chime, take your time to open your eyes and move through your day. 

Write: Floating Prompts from the Writing Yoga® Method

  1. Write down all the ways you can float through your day. What does it feel like to float? What inhibitions can you let go of when it is just you and the water?  
  2. Write about a time when you were a kid and you had a joyful time floating somewhere. Do you remember when you first realized that if you filled your lungs with air, you could bounce above the water like a beach ball? Write about it! 
  3. Does swimming scare you? Did you watch Jaws as a kid and become scared for life like so many of my generation did? When you look at the 1970’s graphics of that movie, it is almost unbelievable that it made us all so fearful of the ocean. Write about your fears. 

Move: Five Minute Sequence for Youthfulness with the Writing Yoga® Method

Try a playful practice this week on your back. Kids don’t often realize how strenuous an activity is until they are done with it. Bring that open mindset with you to the mat. 

  1. Bicycle: Lie down on your back. Breathe in. Bring one elbow toward the opposite knee. Exhale. Repeat on the other side. Do this 5-20 times until the fun runs out! 
  2. Stretch your arms overhead on the floor to reset. Think "spinal elongation" pilates style.
  3. Bridge flow: If you have no back issues, do a simple bridge pose 3x. You can bring your arms over head as you lift your torso up. Breath in. As you exhale, release your arm and back, one vertebrate at a time, to the floor. Reverse and repeat 2-5 times. 
  4. Knees to chest: Bring your knees to your chest and rock side to side. (Oh, that feels good!) 
  5. Happy baby: Grab a hold of your shins or the sides of your foot. Extend one leg at a time any amount. Have fun. Imagine you really are as free and uninhibited as a baby. 

Take a nice long savasana and rest. 

Do these three activities (Sit, Write & Move) all week long and let me know how it does! 

Spending just 15 minutes dedicated to swimming and floating can help make you feel buoyant and light and the opposite of feeling stressed out!  Bring back the energy and freedom of your youth each time you Sit, Write and Move this week. As always, I love to hear how it goes and welcome your ideas and questions. Stay in touch! 

Want to try the Writing Yoga® Method Online for Free?

If this sounds interesting to you, I would love for you to try my next free session.

It’s the perfect opportunity to explore Writing Yoga® in real time, connect with like-minded individuals, and experience firsthand how guided movement, sitting, and writing can come together to create grounding and clarity.

Whether you’re curious about starting a new practice, need a little reset, or are just looking for a space to pause and reflect, this free session is designed to meet you where you are. I’d love to have you there!

Click here if you’d like to learn more and sign up.

Did you know we also offer Writing Yoga® retreats?

If you’ve been wanting time to slow down, reconnect with yourself, and tap into your creative flow, I invite you ask me about a customized Writing Yoga® retreat at a location near you. 

My retreats are designed to nourish your mind, body, and spirit through mindful movement, reflective writing, and time spent in beautiful surroundings. You don’t need to be an expert in yoga or writing. 

Are you a school administrator looking for an unusual historic retreat this summer for your team? 

I have room to work with six school districts at Cedarmere and the Walt Whitman Birthplace on Long Island. We had a wonderful experience with local districts this past summer, and I'm excited that I can help to shift the mindset toward positive change. So please reach out to me if you have any questions, or click here if you’d like to learn more.

Are you a teacher or librarian who wants to test out the Writing Yoga® Method? 

Remember to sit, write & move (SWiM!) each day for a calm, creative & more compassionate life. 

For more activities and resources, please go to www.WritingYoga.com 

Thank you for making the world a calmer, more creative and compassionate place! 

Copyright © 2024 Stefanie Maura, All rights reserved.