Letting Go When You Lose Something Irreplaceable

Letting Go When You Lose Something Irreplaceable [WRITING YOGA® PROMPT #2019]

#journal #journalwriting #poetry #writing #writingprompt #writingyoga Sep 20, 2023

For much of history, it has been tradition to burn journals of loved ones when they pass over to the other side. I would like that to happen with mine please. But what if you didn't have a choice?

I recently saw Eileen Myles speak about having their journals housed in the archives of Yale University. We were at the electric Parkside Lounge on the Lower East Side of New York City. Apparently they didn't fully realize that once the journals were in the archives there would be no more edits! Oops. Their words would be preserved as is, like it or not. 

Have you ever lost a journal? It can be pretty unsettling. Your precious words are left exposed on the café table, the back pocket of an airplane seat or buried in sand after rushing to leave the beach in a sudden storm. 

It happened to me this week and I have no idea where it went. Will someone read it? Will they try to find me? I hope they respectfully toss it into the fire. But not counting on that...

WRITING YOGA® PROMPT #2019: Write an Essay or Poem About Losing a Journal

Write about a time you lost your journal. If that has never happened to you, imagine how you would feel if it did. What would you do if all of your deepest desires and secrets disappeared? Where would it travel to? Who would find it? (Make up a villain) What would it feel like?

What would you do to get it back? 

Losing something deeply meaningful stirs up a strange mix of nostalgia, frustration, and, often, helplessness. But loss, for all its discomfort, has something to teach us about ourselves and our relationship to the world.

Here's what you can do if that happens to you:

Step 1: Acknowledge the Loss

First, allow yourself to feel the loss without rushing to “move on.” Losing something meaningful deserves a moment to honor its value. It’s natural for your mind to start retracing your steps, replaying moments in hopes that, somehow, you’ll spot that missing item.

If you lost a journal, for example, you might recall each moment you poured a thought into it and feel the sudden absence of that safe space for your thoughts. Take a breath, and give yourself a moment to acknowledge how you feel.

Step 2: Embrace the Impermanence

Our possessions, memories, and even some dreams are transient. While it can be painful, loss reminds us of life’s unpredictability. That journal, photo, or trinket may have been a constant, but its absence now leaves space to consider how we are evolving with or without it.

Instead of seeing impermanence as something that steals from us, try viewing it as a reminder to appreciate each moment while we have it. The things we hold dear are precious partly because they aren’t guaranteed to last forever.

Step 3: Trust in What You’ve Gained

When you lose something, it’s tempting to feel as though a part of yourself has gone missing too. But often, the things we love leave behind more than we realize.

If it was a journal, those words captured moments of growth and insight that have already shaped who you are. Even if the words are gone, the lessons and reflections remain within you. Memories, experiences, and even goals are part of us, regardless of physical forms or concrete proof.

Step 4: Moving Forward

Letting go doesn’t mean dismissing the loss. It means honoring it while choosing to move forward. Here are some ways to ease that transition: write down a memory that captures what you cherished most about the journal or the lost item, or simply take a few deep breaths and remember that it’s okay to feel sad.

Shifting focus to what’s present can help soothe the ache of what’s gone. Surround yourself with things and people that bring comfort and meaning, especially as you work through letting go.

Step 5: Reframe Your Story

What if the lost item isn’t just lost but on its own journey? Imagine that journal, left behind somewhere, being found by someone who opens it and sees the humanity in your words. They might even find inspiration in it. Perhaps it becomes a piece of someone else’s story, carrying pieces of your experiences along with it.

Let your imagination wander: if your journal were on its own adventure, what kind of story would it create?

Are you a teacher or librarian who wants to test out the Writing Yoga® Method? 

Remember to sit, write & move each day for a calm, creative & more compassionate life. If you want to learn more about Writing Yoga® Method, feel free to check out my course right here. This interactive course will help you jumpstart healthy and creative practices to: 1) Reduce stress 2) Write and 3) feel luminous.

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Thank you for make the world a calmer, more creative and compassionate place! 

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